We have compiled a list of some classes you can take at UC San Diego if you’re looking to educate yourself on sustainability, environmentalism, and all related topics. We’ve included the course description and units for each one.
*Classes offered in Spring 2023
ANAR 115: Coastal Geomorphology and Environmental Change—Perspectives from Israel and the South-Eastern Mediterranean (4) *
Students will develop a broad understanding of the morphological features that are identified in coastal systems, and the short- and long-term processes that shape them through time. Students will become familiar with terminology, approaches, and methodologies used in coastal geomorphological research, which are relevant for today’s study of climate and environmental change, with a focus on coastal sedimentary environments and an emphasis on the coast of Israel from ancient times until today. Prerequisites: upper-division standing.
ANAR 116: Sea Level Change - The Israel Case in World Perspective (4)
This course provides students with a broad understanding of the most current sea level change research that has been conducted around the globe. Students will be introduced to the general terminology used in this field, coastal shallow marine and deep-sea sea level indicators, and their degree of uncertainty, along with corresponding dating methods. An emphasis will be given to sea-level studies conducted in Israel and neighboring lands. Prerequisites: upper-division standing.
ANAR 120: Documenting Climate Change: Past and Present (4)
This course will help familiarize students with the types of methods that people use to document shifting climate in the past and present day, in addition to training on geospatial data sets. Prerequisites: upper-division standing or consent of instructor.
ANAR 146: Feeding the World (4) *
What should we eat and how should we farm to guide a sustainable future? This course will examine what humans evolved to eat and how we began to first cultivate the foods we rely on today. After a survey of traditional farming methods around the world, we will examine how farming systems have changed since the Green Revolution and its successes and failures. The final part of class will focus on the last twenty years, when humans began to modify plant life at the genetic level. Students may not receive credit for ANAR 146 and SIO 146. Prerequisites: upper-division standing.
ANAR 166: Introduction to Environmental Archaeology—Theory and Method of Socioecodynamics and Human Paleoecology (4)
(Cross-listed with SIO 166.) Introduction to the multidisciplinary tools for paleoenvironmental analysis—from ecology, sedimentology, climatology, zoology, botany, chemistry, and others—and provides the theory and method to investigate the dynamics between human behavior and natural processes. This socioecodynamic perspective facilitates a nuanced understanding of topics such as resource overexploitation, impacts on biodiversity, social vulnerability, sustainability, and responses to climate change. Students may not receive credit for ANAR 166 and SIO 166.
ANBI 132: Conservation and the Human Predicament (4)
Interdisciplinary discussion of the human predicament, biodiversity crisis, and importance of biological conservation. Examines issues from biological, cultural, historical, economic, social, political, and ethical perspectives emphasizing new approaches and new techniques for safeguarding the future of humans and other biosphere inhabitants. Prerequisites: upper-division standing or consent of instructor.
ANBI 174: Conservation and the Media: Film Lab (4)
Conservation on a human-dominated planet is a complex topic. Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words. This course explores how films about conservation and the human predicament tackle current problems. What makes them effective and what makes them “fail”? We view one film a week and discuss it based on articles and books about that week’s topic. Prerequisites: upper-division standing.
ANSC 134: The Politics of Environmental Change (4)
In this course, we will explore how people advocating for environmental change works. We will study the theory of social change, including the discourses of nature and culture that underlie contemporary societies. We will study the ways political decisions are made and how policy makers are influenced. Given the enormity of what is at stake—climate change and increasing environmental precarity—how can we harness politics to transform our world? Prerequisites: upper-division standing
ANSC 147: Global Health and the Environment (4) *
(Cross-listed with GLBH 147.) Examines interactions of culture, health, and environment. Rural and urban human ecologies, their energy foundations, sociocultural systems, and characteristic health and environmental problems are explored. The role of culture and human values in designing solutions will be investigated. Students may not receive credit for GLBH 147 and ANSC 147. Prerequisites: upper-division standing.
ANSC 193GS: Human Rights and Environmental Justice (4)
(Global Seminar Course) In this course, we will examine the dominant human rights framework to think about one issue that has escaped its purview: environmental justice. If we all share a common planet, is there a universal right to a clean environment? Why are the effects of pollution and climate change unequally distributed among the world’s peoples? Can human rights norms serve as effective tools to fight the unequal effects of climate change and contamination? Program or materials fees may apply. Prerequisites: department approval required and upper-division standing. Students must apply for and be accepted to the Global Seminar program.
ANTH 105: Climate Change, Race, and Inequality (4)
This course introduces students to the ways in which climate change exacerbates environmental racism and inequality. We will consider the ways that structural violence and discriminatory policies create environmental inequalities where marginalized communities take on more of the risk and burdens of climate change. We will address community organizing and social justice efforts to combat the systems of power that unevenly distribute the burdens of climate change to marginalized communities. Prerequisites: upper-division standing.
ANTH 106: Climate and Civilization (4)
An introductory course that questions the whole collapse narrative while teaching students about the ways in which it has and hasn’t impacted humans. Prerequisites: upper-division standing.
ANTH 107: Designing for Disasters, Emergencies, and Extreme Weather (4)
Examines the social, economic, environmental, and health impacts of anthropogenic climate change through engaged learning that integrates practice and theory. Prerequisites: upper-division standing.
ANTH 108: Indigenous Peoples, Extractive Development, and Climate Change (4)
Across the world, indigenous peoples’ lands and livelihoods are increasingly vulnerable to extractive development projects such as mines, gas wells, dams, logging, and monoculture agriculture, all of which increase the impacts on climate change. This class addresses the ways indigenous communities use cultural and political resources to negotiate environmental, market, and political forces. Can protecting indigenous ways of life provide alternatives for global climate change? Prerequisites: upper-division standing.
ANTH 109: Climate Change, Cultural Heritage, and Vulnerability (4)
Cultural heritage is a human right that is threatened by climate change. This course introduces students to the concept of heritage, how multiple historical and ancient processes influence social vulnerabilities, and what challenges are being faced in the context of changing climate. We will explore the formation and meanings of tangible and intangible heritage, its relation to traditional knowledge and the roles of knowledge over social vulnerability. Prerequisites: upper-division standing
ANTH 110: The Climate Change Seminar (4)
Explores climate change from the perspectives of biological, archaeological, sociocultural, and medical anthropology and global health. Students develop projects on key topics, such as food, health, sustainability, political economy, and the interaction of ecological and human processes across local, regional, and global scales. Examines social impacts and existential risks. Considers questions related to public policy, education, ethics, and interdisciplinary research collaboration. Prerequisites: upper-division standing.
ANTH 111: Religion and Ecology: How Religion Matters in the Anthropocene (4)
This course will study the role that religion has played, and possibly will play, in the Anthropocene, with religion construed broadly and comparatively. Topics include use of religion and ritual to regulate the ecology, religious conceptions of the relation between humanity and nature, how religion shapes ethical stances toward the nonhuman, religious ideas of ownership or stewardship of nonhuman resources, and the role of apocalyptic narratives in shaping reaction to climate change. Prerequisites: upper-division standing.
ANTH 112: Regenerative Science and Human Ecology (4) *
How can we protect humanity and the planet from climate change? The course introduces methods and approaches needed to design and implement human-centered solutions to climate change. It examines the process of joining scientific knowledge with cultural knowledge to produce effective, regenerative, human-centered solutions. Explores ways to support social and ecological regeneration drawn from anthropology, culture-centered design, human ecology, and computational methods. Prerequisites: upper-division standing.
ANTH 120: Climate Change in California: Problems and Solutions (4)
Examines climate problems in California, the impacts these have, and the search for solutions in coastal, desert, and urban communities. Topics include drought, extreme heat, wildfires, and sea level rise. Explores potential of university-community partnerships in developing solutions. Prerequisites: upper-division standing.
ANTH 128A: Climate Action Scholars: Community Engagement and Research (6)
This course series will examine the historical, structural, and cultural roots of the climate crisis, its effects across diverse communities and ecologies, and the creative ways local people respond and build collective resilience. In this first quarter, students will engage in hands-on research, mapping, and documentation of climate change and associated social, environmental, and health impacts. Prerequisites: upper-division standing.
ANTH 128B: Climate Action Scholars: Capstone Project (6) *
In the second course of this series, students will deepen and apply their knowledge of the diverse ways the climate crisis manifests and interacts with local conditions and histories of inequity and injustice. Students will continue to participate in collaborative learning and community-based research. In addition, they will develop and implement a capstone, “climate action project,” in collaboration with local community partners. Prerequisites: ANTH 128A or USP 128A.
BIBC 140: Our Energy Future: Sustainable Energy Solutions (4)
Course will provide an overview of energy production and utilization and the consequences of this on the economy and environment. The course will introduce renewable energy technologies including biofuels, and explores the social, economic, and political aspects of energy use. Prerequisites: BILD 1.
BIEB 102: Introductory Ecology - Organisms and Habitat (4)
This course emphasizes principles shaping organisms, habitats, and ecosystems. Topics covered include population regulation, physiological ecology, competition, predation, and human exploitation. This will be an empirical look at general principles in ecology and conservation with emphasis on the unique organisms and habitats of California. Prerequisites: BILD 3 or equivalent.
BIEB 121: Ecology Laboratory (4) *
A laboratory course to familiarize students with ecological problem solving and methods. Students will perform outdoor fieldwork and use a computer for data exploration and analysis. Fieldwork can be expected in this course. Associated travel may be required, and students are responsible for their own transportation. Students may need to provide and use their own laptop. Program or materials fees may apply. Prerequisites: BIEB 100 or MATH 11 or SIO 187 and BILD 3.
BIEB 174: Ecosystems and Global Change (4)
This course will teach the principles of ecosystem ecology in terrestrial and marine systems and will use examples from recent research to help students understand how global environmental changes are altering processes from leaf-level ecophysiology to global cycling of carbon, water, and nutrients. Fieldwork may be required. Prerequisites: BILD 3.
BIEB 182: Biology of Global Change (4)
This class will focus on ecological and evolutionary responses to three major anthropogenic stressors—climate change, resource exploitation, and urbanization. Students will learn about the eco-evolutionary changes that are currently happening due to anthropogenic impacts and also predictions about future changes due to such impacts. They will also learn about the economic and societal impacts of such changes and some of the strategies for conservation and sustainability in a changing world. Prerequisites: BIEB 102.
BILD 3: Organismic and Evolutionary Biology (4) *
The first principles of evolutionary theory, classification, ecology, and behavior; a phylogenetic synopsis of the major groups of organisms from viruses to primates.
BILD 18: Human Impact on the Environment (4)
Course will focus on issues such as global warming, species extinction, and human impact on the oceans and forests. History and scientific projections will be examined in relation to these events. Possible solutions to these worldwide processes and a critical assessment of their causes and consequences will be covered.
BILD 42: Our Sustainable Future (4) *
This course will provide an overview of existing methods for energy, food, and materials production and utilization, and describe new technologies for their sustainable production and the consequences of this to our society and the planet.
BILD 44: Scientific Perspectives for a Changing World (4)
Science can help us define and solve problems of the modern world, from how to improve health and change people’s behavior to how to protect the environment. This course will train students to assess scientific claims and their implications in today’s complex information ecosystem, critically engaging from the scale of data analysis through to the social framework in which research is carried out and presented. Contemporary case studies from natural and social sciences will be discussed.
BILD 46: Ecology of a Changing Planet (4)
Biodiversity is changing worldwide in response to global changes. What do these changes in biodiversity foretell for the continued provisioning of ecosystem services on which humans depend? How can we develop conservation and management strategies that preserve biodiversity, backed up by sound science? These are some of the most important questions of our time. Topics will be presented at an introductory level appropriate for students in all majors. Students will not receive credit if taken after BIEB 182.
CCS 101: Carbon Neutrality at University of California (2)
The University of California-wide goals of the Carbon Neutrality Initiative are introduced through a series of modules where students learn basic principles of carbon neutrality, participate in seminars with campus operations staff, and tour relevant campus infrastructure including the UC San Diego microgrid, Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certified buildings, and sustainable transportation efforts. Prerequisites: upper-division standing.
CCS 102: Research Perspectives on Climate Change (2)
This course introduces students to exciting and current research topics related to climate change as presented by faculty and researchers across UC San Diego. The course is offered as a series of reading topics followed by seminars on original research presented by faculty and researchers. Prerequisites: upper-division standing.
CCS 123: Policy and Politics of Climate Change (4)
Climate change has forced decision makers in the public and private sectors to develop and adopt policies to help facilitate a transition to a clean energy economy and avoid some of the worst consequences of climate change. In this course we will discuss state, federal, and international policies related to climate change. The political context in which these policy responses have developed, and in which they will continue to evolve, will be emphasized throughout. Prerequisites: upper-division standing.
CCS 197: Carbon Neutrality Internship (1-4)
A campus-based internship, typically designed by the student, that will help the university meet our stated carbon neutrality goals. The project can be developed either individually or as part of a team. A written contract involving all parties will include learning objectives, a paper or project outline, and means of supervision and progress evaluation. May be taken for credit up to three times for a maximum of eight units. P/NP grades only. Prerequisites: CCS 101, CCS 102, and department approval.
CCS 199: Supervised Independent Study or Research (2-4)
Independent reading or research on a topic related to climate change by special arrangement with a faculty member. May be taken for credit up to three times for a maximum of eight units. P/NP grades only. Prerequisites: CCS 101, CCS 102, and department approval.
COMM 171: Environmental Communication (4)
Survey of the communication practices found in environment controversies. The sociological aspects of environmental issues will provide background for the investigation of environmental disputes in particular contested areas, such as scientific institutions, communities, workplaces, governments, popular culture, and the media. Prerequisites: COMM 10 and one from COMM 100A, 100B, 100C.
ECON 131: Economics of the Environment (4)
Environmental issues from an economic perspective. Relation of the environment to economic growth. Management of natural resources, such as forest and fresh water. Policies on air, water, and toxic waste pollution. International issues such as ozone depletion and sustainable development. Prerequisites: ECON 2 or 100A.
ECON 132: Energy Economics (4) *
Energy from an economic perspective. Fuel cycles for coal, hydro, nuclear, oil, and solar energy. Emphasis on efficiency and control of pollution. Comparison of energy use across sectors and across countries. Global warming. Role of energy in the international economy. Prerequisites: ECON 1 and (ECON 2 or 3 or 100A or 131 or ESYS 103 or MAE 124) and MATH 10C or 20C or 31BH.
ECON 144: Economics of Conservation (4)
Examines conservation of biodiversity from an economic perspective. Topics include valuing biodiversity, defining successful conservation, and evaluating the cost effectiveness of policies such as conservation payments, ecotourism, and privatization. Emphasis on forests, coral reefs, elephants, tigers, and sea turtles. Prerequisites: ECON 2 or 100A.
ECON 145: Economics of Ocean Resources (4)
Economic issues associated with oceans. Economics of managing renewable resources in the oceans, with an emphasis on fisheries, economics of conservation and biodiversity preservation for living marine resources, with an emphasis on whales, dolphins, sea turtles, and coral reefs. Prerequisites: ECON 2 or 100A.
Environmental Studies
ENVR 30: Environmental Issues: Natural Sciences (4)
Examines global and regional environmental issues. The approach is to consider the scientific basis for policy options. Simple principles of chemistry and biology are introduced. The scope of problems includes: air and water pollution, climate modification, solid waste disposal, hazardous waste treatment, and environmental impact assessment. Prerequisites: none.
ENVR 87: Environmental Studies First-year Seminar (1)
The First-year Seminar Program is designed to provide new students with the opportunity to explore an intellectual topic with a faculty member in a small seminar setting. First-year seminars are offered in all campus departments and undergraduate colleges, and topics vary from quarter to quarter. Enrollment is limited to fifteen to twenty students, with preference given to entering first-year students.
ENVR 102: Selected Topics in Environmental Studies (4) *
Climate change has forced decision makers in the public and private sectors to develop and adopt policies to help facilitate a transition to a clean energy economy and avoid some of the worst consequences of climate change. In this course we will discuss state, federal, and international policies related to climate change. The political context in which these policy responses have developed, and in which they will continue to evolve, will be emphasized throughout. Prerequisites: upper-division standing.
ENVR 110: Environmental Law (4)
Explores environmental policy in the United States and the ways in which it is reflected in law. The social and political issues addressed include environmental justice and environmental racism, as well as the role of government in implementing environmental law. Prerequisites: upper-division standing or consent of instructor.
ENVR 140: Wilderness and Human Values (4) *
“Wilderness” plays a central role in the consciousness of American environmentalists and serves as focal point for public policies, recreation, and political activism. This course explores its evolving historical, philosophical, ecological, and aesthetic meanings and includes guest speakers and a field component. Prerequisites: upper-division standing or consent of instructor.
Find more ENVR classes at: https://catalog.ucsd.edu/courses/ENVR.html
ESYS 10: Introduction to Environmental Systems (4) *
This course explores the interdisciplinary character of environmental issues through an examination of a particular topic (climate change, for example) from numerous disciplinary perspectives (e.g., biology, chemistry, physics, political science, and economics). Prerequisites: none.
ESYS 87: First-year Seminar (1)
The First-year Seminar Program is designed to provide new students with the opportunity to explore an intellectual topic with a faculty member in a small seminar setting. First-year seminars can be offered in all campus departments and undergraduate college, and topics vary from quarter to quarter. Enrollment is limited to fifteen to twenty students with preference given to entering first-year students. (P/NP grades only)
ESYS 90: Perspectives on Environmental Issues (1)
Provides an introduction to environmental systems. Faculty members from departments in the natural sciences, geosciences, and social sciences will offer perspectives in these areas.
ESYS 103: Environmental Challenges: Science and Solutions (4) *
This course explores the impacts of human, social, economic, and industrial activity on the environment. It highlights the central roles in ensuring sustainable development played by market forces, technological innovation, and government regulation on local, national, and global scales. Prerequisites: MATH 11 or MATH 20B or consent of instructor.
ETHN 103: Environmental Racism (4)
This course will examine the concept of environmental racism, the empirical evidence of its widespread existence, and the efforts by government, residents, workers, and activists to combat it. We will examine those forces that create environmental injustices in order to understand its causes as well as its consequences. Students are expected to learn and apply several concepts and social scientific theories to the course material.
ETHN 113A: Decolonizing Geology (4) *
The origins, development and practice of the geological sciences are closely tied to colonization, but these ties rarely are acknowledged, discussed, critiqued or used as a basis for rethinking present day practices and trends. We will deconstruct the historical relationship between colonialism and geology, discuss how this relationship has developed over time and explore practical methods for how the field of geology (and, by extension, other fields of western science) might be decolonized.
CCS 123: ETHN 136: The Science and Critical Analysis of Environmental Justice (4)
(Cross-listed with SIO 114.) Introduction to the scientific basis and critical analysis of environmental justice, with an emphasis on case studies, activism, and community engagement. This course will prepare students to critique and develop scientific models, research designs, and measurements consistent with environmental justice. Students may not receive credit for both ETHN 136 and SIO 114.
Global Health
GLBH 147: Global Health and the Environment (4) *
(Cross-listed with ANSC 147.) Examines interactions of culture, health, and environment. Rural and urban human ecologies, their energy foundations, sociocultural systems, and characteristic health and environmental problems are explored. The role of culture and human values in designing solutions will be investigated. Students may not receive credit for GLBH 147 and ANSC 147.
HILD 43: Anthropocene 4: The Great Acceleration, 1945 - Present (4) *
Explores the intensification of industrialization and urbanization and their environmental impact, including skyrocketing greenhouse gas emissions, air and water pollution, soil depletion, and deforestation. Also, analyzes different environmentalisms and imagines futures distinct from climate catastrophe.
MAE 118: Introduction to Energy and the Environment (4)
Overview of present-day primary energy sources and availability: fossil fuel, renewable, and nuclear; heat engines; energy conservation, transportation, air pollution, and climate change. Students may not receive credit for both MAE 118 and MAE 118A. Prerequisites: MAE 101A or CENG 101A, or consent of instructor.
MAE 119: Introduction to Renewable Energy: Solar and Wind (4) *
Basic principles of solar radiation—diffuse and direct radiation; elementary solar energy engineering—solar thermal and solar photovoltaic; basic principles of wind dynamics—hydrodynamic laws, wind intermittency, Betz’s law; elementary wind energy engineering; solar and wind energy perspectives; operating the California power grid with 33 percent renewable energy sources. Students may not receive credit for both MAE 118B and MAE 119. Prerequisites: MAE 101A or CENG 101A, or consent of instructor.
MAE 120: Introduction to Nuclear Energy (4) *
Overview of basic fission and fusion processes. Elementary fission reactor physics and engineering; environmental and waste disposal issues. Survey of fusion technology issues and perspectives. May not receive credit for both MAE 118C and MAE 120. Prerequisites: MAE 101A or CENG 101A, or consent of instructor.
MAE 125: Building Energy Efficiency (4)
Physical building performance including building thermodynamics, daylighting, and solar control. Heat transfer through building envelope, solar geometry, and shading. Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system design, water heating, microclimates, passive system design, energy efficient design, applicant energy use, cost estimating. Building energy codes and standards. Building design project with whole building energy simulation software. Prerequisites: upper-division standing.
MAE 126A: Environmental Engineering Laboratory (4)
This course explores the way that “capitalism,” understood as a combined economic, political, and cultural system, shapes features of the world that typically have been understood as “natural.” The course considers how these categorical distinctions affect our understandings of contemporary life and our chances to change it. Prerequisites: upper-division standing.
MAE 126B: Environmental Engineering Design (4) *
Fundamental principles of environmental design. Building a working prototype or computer model for an environmental engineering application. Work in teams to propose and design experiments and components, obtain data, complete engineering analysis, and write a report. Engineering ethics and professionalism. Prerequisites: MAE 126A.
MGT 166: Business Ethics and Corporate Responsibility (4) *
Will cover ethical conduct issues for leaders from a wide array of organizations and industries including consideration of differences among global trading partners. The issues impacting corporate responsibility will be examined as will full-cycle cost analysis of products and services. Prerequisites: upper-division standing.
MGT 167: Social Entrepreneurship (4)
Social entrepreneurs create innovative solutions to solve challenging social and environmental issues affecting the world around them. In this course, students will learn how to apply entrepreneurial business and innovative skills to effectively tackle global issues impacting society such as environmental degradation, rural health care availability, educational improvements in economically disadvantaged regions of the world, famine in an era of obesity, and clean water development. Prerequisites: upper-division standing.
PHIL/POLI 27: Ethics and Society (4) *
An examination of ethical principles (e.g., utilitarianism, individual rights, etc.) and their social and political applications to contemporary issues: abortion, environmental protection, and affirmative action. Ethical principles will also be applied to moral dilemmas in government, law, business, and the professions. Warren College students must take course for a letter grade in order to satisfy the Warren College general-education requirement. Prerequisites: CAT 2 and 3 or DOC 2 and 3 or MCWP 40 and 50 or HUM 1 and 2 or MMW 2 and 3 or WCWP 10A and B.
PHIL 148: Philosophy and the Environment (4)
Investigation of ethical and epistemological questions concerning our relationship to the environment. Topics may include the value of nature, biodiversity, policy and science, and responsibility to future generations. Prerequisites: upper-division standing or consent of instructor.
PHIL/POLI 28: Ethics and Society ll (4)
An examination of a single set of major contemporary social, political, or economic issues (e.g., environmental ethics, international ethics) in light of ethical and moral principles and values. Warren College students must take course for a letter grade in order to satisfy the Warren College general-education requirement. Prerequisites: PHIL 27 or POLI 27.
PHIL 173: Topics in Bioethics (4)
An in-depth exploration of an issue in *bioethics. Topics will vary, and may include the ethics of genetic engineering, mental capacity and genuinely informed consent, the just distribution of health care, the ethics of geo-engineering, and the ethics of climate change and health. May be taken for credit two times. Prerequisites: upper-division standing or consent of instructor.
POLI 104E: Environmental Law and Policy (4)
The course is an introduction to US environmental law at the federal level. It emphasizes issues and current controversies involving natural resources, such as wilderness, biodiversity, water, and climate change. Prerequisites: upper-division standing.
POLI 110M: Green Political Thought (4)
Leading theories of environmental justice, ethics, and politics since 1960. Thinkers such as Dauvergne, Dobson, Dryzek, Eckersley, Latour, Plumwood, and Simon on ecosystems, climate change, sustainability, preservation, human welfare, nonhuman animals, place, feminism, state, market, and green political movements. Prerequisites: upper-division standing.
POLI 104P: Science, Technology, and the Law (4) *
Science advances exponentially. The law is slower to follow. This course examines legal issues created by today’s scientific breakthroughs and explores what future legal challenges might await tomorrow’s scientific discoveries, from privacy on the internet to the meaning of life. Prerequisites: upper-division standing.
POLI 117: Bending the Curve: Solutions to Climate Change (4)
(Cross-listed with SIO 109.) Climate change is an urgent global problem affecting the lives of hundreds of millions of people, now and for the foreseeable future. This course will empower students to confront climate change as critical actors to innovate creative cross-disciplinary solutions. Students may not receive credit for POLI 117 and SIO 109. Prerequisites: upper-division standing.ce.
POLI 162: Environmental Policy (4)
This course will explore contemporary environmental issues such as global warming, endangered species, and land use. Students will be asked to analyze various policy options and to write case analyses. Policies may be debated in class.
PSYC 185: Psychology of Climate Crisis (4)
This course provides tools for the student to think about the escalating climate crisis. Urgent action is needed at a large, societal scale to prevent the worst consequences of anthropogenic global heating. Better understanding the prospects for such action can come from human psychology. How do people arrive at their beliefs? What is the basis of denial and delay? How does belief flow to action? What kinds of actions can people take? Prerequisites: upper-division standing.
SIO 10: The Earth (4) *
An introduction to the structure of the Earth and the processes that form and modify it. Emphasizes material that is useful for understanding geological events as reported in the news and for making intelligent decisions regarding the future of our environment. Prerequisites: none.
SIO 16: Geology of the National Parks (4) *
An introduction to fundamental concepts of geology and environmental science through the lens of the national park system. Topics covered include the geologic time scale; plate tectonics; igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary processes; geomorphology; climate change; and environmental degradation. Prerequisites: none.
SIO 25: Climate Change and Society (4)
Climate change is one of the most complex and critical issues affecting societies today. This course will present the scientific evidence for climate change and its impacts and consider governmental policy responses and possible adaptation strategies. Prerequisites: none.
SIO 40: Life and Climate on Earth (4)
Explores life on Earth and its relationship to the environment—past, present, and future. Topics include origins of life, earth history, elemental cycles, global climate variability and human impacts on our environment. Prerequisites: none.
SIO 50: Introduction to Physical Geology (6) *
This course is an introduction to how our planet works, focusing on the formation and evolution of the solid earth, and the processes affecting both its surface and interior. Laboratories and substantial field component complement and extend the lecture material. Program and/or materials fees may apply. Prerequisites: none.
SIO 60: Experiences in Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences (4) *
Oceanic and atmospheric sciences are introduced through a series of modules where students learn basic principles in the classroom and then have hands-on experiences demonstrating these principles. The course will include trips to the beach, the Ellen Browning Scripps Memorial Pier, and laboratories at Scripps Institution of Oceanography. Prerequisites: none.
SIO 87: First-year Seminar (1) *
The First-year Seminar Program is designed to provide the new students with the opportunity to explore an intellectual topic with a faculty member in a small setting. First-year seminars can be offered in all campus departments and undergraduate colleges, and topics vary from quarter to quarter. Enrollment is limited to fifteen to twenty students, with preference given to entering first-year students. Students may complete up to four first-year seminars with the stipulation that none of the seminars are repeated. (P/NP grades only).
SIO 90: Undergraduate Seminar (1) *
Perspectives on ocean sciences. This seminar introduces students to exciting and current research topics in ocean science as presented by faculty and researchers at Scripps Institution of Oceanography. Formerly ERTH 90. Prerequisites: none.
SIO 109: Bending the Curve: Climate Change Solutions (4)
(Cross-listed with POLI 117). This course will focus on scalable solutions for carbon neutrality and climate stability. The course adopts climate change mitigation policies, technologies, governance, and actions that California, the UC system, and cities around the world have adopted as living laboratories and challenges students to identify locally and globally scalable solutions. Students may only receive credit for one of the following: POLI 117, POLI 117R, SIO 109, or SIO 109R.
SIO 109R: Bending the Curve Online: Climate Change Solutions (4)
(Cross-listed with POLI 117R). This online course focuses on developing urgent climate change solutions that integrate technology, policy and governance, finance, land-use, and social/educational dimensions. Students may only receive credit for one of the following: POLI 117, POLI 117R, SIO 109, or SIO 109R.
SIO 115: Ice and the Climate System (4)
This course examines the Earth’s cryosphere, including glaciers, ice sheets, ice caps, sea ice, lake ice, river ice, snow, and permafrost. We cover the important role of the cryosphere in the climate systems and its response to climate change. Prerequisites: MATH 20C or MATH 31BH, and PHYS 2C, or consent of instructor.
SIO 116: Climate Change and Global Health: Understanding the Mechanisms (4)
This course will introduce students to the public health effects of global climate change. The course will begin by understanding the climate change phenomena and explaining the direct and indirect links between climate change and human health, including the public health impacts of infectious diseases, atmospheric air pollution, and extreme weather events. The second part of the course will be dedicated to adaption and mitigation solutions with a particular focus on vulnerable populations. Students may not receive credit for SIO 116 and SIO 116GS. Prerequisites: upper-division standing or consent of instructor.
SIO 117: The Physical Basis of Global Warming (4)
Introduction to the processes behind global warming, including the physics of the greenhouse effect, controls on greenhouse gases, atmospheric and oceanic circulation, climate feedbacks, relationship to natural climate variability, and global environmental issues related to global warming. Prerequisites: MATH 20D and PHYS 2C or consent of instructor.
For more SIO classes visit: https://catalog.ucsd.edu/courses/SIO.html
SOCI 30: Science, Technology, and Society (4) *
A series of case studies of the relations between society and modern science, technology, and medicine. Global warming, reproductive medicine, AIDS, and other topical cases prompt students to view science-society interactions as problematic and complex. Will not receive credit for SOCI 30 and SOCL 30.
SOCI 149: Sociology of the Environment (4)
The environment as a socially and technically shaped milieu in which competing values and interests play out. Relation of humanity to nature, conflicts between preservation and development, environmental pollution and contested illnesses. Will not receive credit for SOCI 149 and SOCC 149.
SOCI 168E: Sociology of Science (4) *
A survey of theoretical and empirical studies concerning the workings of the scientific community and its relations with the wider society. Special attention will be given to the institutionalization of the scientific role and to the social constitution of scientific knowledge. Prerequisites: upper-division standing. Will not receive credit for SOCI 168E and SOCC 168E.
USP 124: Land Use Planning (4) *
Introduction to land use planning in the United States: zoning and subdivision, regulation, growth management, farmland preservation, environmental protection, and comprehensive planning. May be coscheduled with USP 224. Prerequisites: upper-division standing or consent of instructor.
USP 128A: Climate Action Scholars: Community Engagement and Research (6)
(Same as ANTH 128A.) This course series will examine the historical, structural, and cultural roots of the climate crisis, its effects across diverse communities and ecologies, and the creative ways local people respond and build collective resilience. In this first quarter, students will engage in hands-on research, mapping, and documentation of climate change and associated social, environmental, and health impacts. Students will not receive credit for both USP 128A and ANTH 128A. Prerequisites: upper-division standing and departmental approval.
USP 128B: Climate Action Scholars: Capstone Project (6) *
(Same as ANTH 128B.) In the second course of this series, students will deepen and apply their knowledge of the diverse ways the climate crisis manifests and interacts with local conditions and histories of inequity and injustice. Students will continue to participate in collaborative learning and community-based research. In addition, they will develop and implement a capstone “climate action project” in collaboration with local community partners. Students will not receive credit for both USP 128B and ANTH 128B. Prerequisites: ANTH 128A or USP 128A.
USP 165B: Advanced Special Topics in Sustainability (4)
Topics may include issues such as sea level rise, water conflicts, sustainable food systems; also public or private strategies for sustainable development such as green building or climate action planning. Topics will vary. May be taken for credit up to three times. Prerequisites: upper-division standing.
USP 170: Planning for Sustainable Communities (4)
This course will explore the different factors and processes that shape a sustainable city. Contemporary green planning techniques and values will be evaluated. The course will also discuss planning, designing, and implementation of sustainable facilities that will reduce sprawl. Prerequisites: upper-division standing or consent of instructor.
USP 171: Sustainable Development (4)
Sustainable development is invoked by a wide range of actors and sectors that seek to promote environmentally sound and socially just approaches to economic development. This course critically examines the diverse, and often contradictory, definitions and applications of sustainability throughout the world. May be coscheduled with USP 271. Prerequisites: upper-division standing or consent of instructor
Visual Arts
VIS 157: Environmentalism Arts & Media (4)
With attention to the ecology of Southern California and selected sites beyond, this course addresses historical and contemporary debates on environmental politics from the critical perspective of aesthetic practitioners, activists, and scholars from the 1960s to today. Art and media historical approaches will be offset by hands-on assignments, excursions, and the development of site-specific and creative works in all media. Program or materials fee may apply. Prerequisites: upper-division standing.